Dextarius is the final Arena Rex beast for my collection.
I picked up Ywain on foot as part of my original Legio XIII set, but for whatever reason didn’t get Dextarius with him
I’m slowly completing my collection of the Arena Rex line. The Wendigo is the last of the non-mount beasts.
I was afraid it would end up being a fragile model. That spin isn’t very big, but the upper body is quite large. It ended up fitting together quite solidly.
The purple flesh isn’t quite as otherworldly as I had hoped, but the gore in the chest cavity turned out pretty nice.
Each faction gets a beast and rider. For Ludus Magnus, it’s Nero with his rider Septimus.
Nero is is a nice bulky bull. I took the easy way out and did some shading with an airbrush and highlights mostly by drybrushing.
As my habit for Arena Rex mounts, I embedded small magnets in both beast and rider. In Nero’s case, that made it impossible to line up the reins.
But I think it’s less distracting to have not-quite-attached reins than it would be to cut them off entirely and have him just miming it. Bowstrings you can imagine, reins less so.
The beasties in Arena Rex are some of my favorites. The Helleniki get this seahorse.
As is my tradition with the mounts, I magnetized the rider and tried to hide the magnet in the mount. This rider is kind enough to use his net as a saddle, which give a nice connection to work with.
And of course, we need Dimitrios on foot as well. I guess he’s still kind of sitting on his net.