2024 Hobby Year in Review

Another year gone. Let’s do some navel gazing.


Well the numbers don’t lie. My hobby continues to slow down. There are a couple of reasons for that.

First, my primary game has been Shatterpoint, weekly, at the shop. There are only so many models coming out.

I’ve also been spending a lot more time with solo board gaming. I got a load of the Arkham Horror card game for Christmas last year. That, along with other solo games (Spirit Island, Final Girl, and a few more digital) have sucked away of a lot of my free time.

The backlog is getting out of control. I need to be honest with myself about some of these projects. Even if I don’t sell the models, I should at least admit I’m not actively planning to complete them.

Total: 139 models, a 8.6% decrease from last year.

  • 19 other
  • 78 Shatterpoint
  • 12 Relicblade
  • 30 BLKOUT


My daughter an I continue to be regulars at the shop’s weekly Shatterpoint night. Her schedule changed early in the year, but conveniently enough a different nearby shop was starting up a Shatterpoint on a newly free night.

It’s been a blast watching Ruth grow as a player. We attended out first local tournament together, which she really enjoyed. Scheduling conflicts have prevented a repeat, but hopefully we’ll be able to make another tournament work soon.


I’ve barely played any games, but whenever there’s new Relicblade, I have to paint it. The rest of the latest batch will need to wait for the new year.

  • Ancient Dead wild monsters
  • Severed Hand faction set
  • Guild Champions faction set


BLKOUT was this year’s Adepticon impulse buy. I’ve only gotten in a couple games, but it’s a fun, fast, and small game.


Shatterpoint has been filling so much of my hobby space, there’s a lot less random models than usual. Though I do have a couple in progress that I just haven’t found the motivation to finish.

Looking to 2025

Ruth’s schedule will be changing again soon, which will force a change to Shatterpoint night. Last time, we found a shop running Shatterpoint on another night. This time, I think it will be time to find a different game. I played Crisis Protocol a little a few years ago. We went to a demo a few weeks ago, and had a blast. I picked up an excess of new models, which I’m super excited to paint as my first project in the new year.

I track my hobby backlog, with separate “Aquired” and “Selected” states. The idea is that most purchases will go directly to Selected, and Acquired is for swag, prizes, promos, bundle leftovers, and similar. Once Selected, it should be painted before too long. Well, the chart above shows the reality that there are projects that just aren’t getting done. Plus, there are some models, like the Moonstone Shades Kickstarter, that I haven’t even formally added to the backlog.

I need to accept reality on some of the projects, and bump them back to Acquired, and consider selling then. I also need to add the items that haven’t made it to the kanban yet.

I’m also looking forward to non-miniatures games. My wife and I just picked up Mansions of Madness, and enjoyed our first time playing it. I’ll be playing more Spirit Island and Arkham Horror. I’ll continue dabbling in digital board game adaptations.

The draft Adepticon schedule is posted, but I haven’t had a chance to look in detail yet. The current plan is for Ruth to join me for the first day, then spend the rest of the weekend with family. We’ll probably do some demo and exhibition games, which is what I like best about Adepticon anyways.

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