I already had one set of Relicblade braziers, but some missions need more than three. So I ordered another set.
The others had blue flames. These could be used to indicate an opposing faction, so I went with green flames.
But flames isn’t enough. Ever since I played with the first set, I wanted something different. I wanted pools of blood. So I made some. One of the awesome bits of these braziers is the rounded bowl that the flames match. It keeps the flames in place without needing magnets. For the blood, I pressed a flame’s rounded edge into some Instant Mold to make a negative. Once cool, I could make a matching positive of green stuff, then press a few skulls and other creepy stuff into it. I made three with blood, and three with just skulls and such, so they can be split into two groups again. More factions!
Put it all together, and I’ve got quite a collection of brazier-based objectives.