I’ve been hearing good things about Blitz Bowl, and I’ve been thinking about adding some smaller games that could fill gaps when the main game of the evening ends early. Plus, Blitz Bowl is marked as ages 8+, so should be good to play with the kids.

I wasn’t feeling super creative about it, so I went with the color scheme from the box art. I did use it as an excuse to play with GW Contrast paints, mostly for the yellow.
The humans are, perhaps not surprisingly, the least fantastic of the Blitz Bowl teams. Most of them would pass in a more realistic sports game.

I do appreciate that the Thrower and Catcher are easy to identify from their pose.
The bases come with holes for balls to be inserted when they’re carrying. I’m not sure it’s totally worthwhile, but it is fun. Maybe magnets would make it easier to insert/remove them.
Each teams comes with an assortment of accessories. Some people paint them in detail, but I decided to keep it simple. Both the token and the coin got oil washed to give some depth, but are otherwise single-color.