I had bought the von Schtook box at Adepticon on a whim, despite never playing Resurrectionists before. When Wyrd announced these undead pirates would be this year’s Nightmare alternate crew box, I knew I had my new faction.
Blacktongue / Molly comes complete with a skeletal parrot for her hat. Blacktongue is painted similarly to her minion Skellywags, but her bright red cloak sets her apart on the table.
The diving theme for Molly’s totem is what really sold me on the box. I don’t think I really sold it as old and decayed, but he’s still got the cool diving helmet so I’m happy.
Nani and the Voice is a bit disappointing as a model. Much like the new Anna Lovelace, this model doesn’t justify the large base size. While painting she was tacked temporarily on a 30mm and it looked just fine.
Skellywag (crossed swords) Skellywag (dual weild) Skellywag (unsheathing)
Amazingly, I made it all the way to my first game before I realized the pun behind the Skellywag name. Malifaux undead don’t have enough pure skeletons, so I’m happy to have these three in my case.
Your 3D renders of these figures just saved me, as I tried to figure out where everything went on the Wayward
Mariner. Thank you so much!