I’ve long been dissatisfied with my Nekima model. That sculpt doesn’t have much of a menacing presence. I’m amused by the basing I did to try to address that issue, but the rest of the paint job is mundane. That just won’t do for a model that makes it into nearly every Neverborn crew I play, so I knew I’d need to get the alternate.

This one is delightfully bulky. The sword is a bit hokey, so I tried to jazz up the sword with energetic blue on the detailing. It didn’t come out quite like I had hoped.
I decided to go with natural colors for her main body: human flesh tones, brown hair/fur, brown-grays for the hooves and horns. I did blues and purples for her jacket and leggings to bring in my go-to Neverborn colors.
Original plastic Nekima was the first model I posted the Spin-o-matic for, although I’ve since reshot it. It seems fitting that Alt Nekima is the last model of this hobby year.