Happy Tanksgiving everybody. To celebrate, we’ll finish up my initial Bolt Action army with the vehicles.
Usually I try to apply some new techniques when starting a new army/game. For Bolt Action I’ve been pretty mild in that department. For the vehicles I decided to push things a bit. I used a salt weathering technique for the whitewash.

I picked up some Dust Tactics decal sheets off the clearance shelf a year or so ago for literally a quarter. Finally, I’ve got some models in the right scale. The octopus and “DEMON” labels on the M10 come from these sheets.

In game, the half-track is a maddening vehicle. I’ve tried to use it as rapid response, but after leaving it in reserve, it never comes out. Many of our campaign games have used the Chaos in the Reserves rule, which not only nullifies the normal American advantage for vehicles in reserve, it adds an extra negative modifier. Arrgh.