Malifaux: Hide and Seek (Dreamer crew box)

The rest of my Adepticon Wyrd purchase, and my first Wave 2 Neverborn Master.


A simple young boy, wandering through the dreamscape of Malifaux. I wish his little friend looked more like a miniature, more cuddly Lord Chompy Bits.

Lord Chompy Bits
Lord Chompy Bits

I tried using an leopard spot airbrush stencil on Chompy arms, which gave it a nice mottled pattern. The wash I used ended up almost completely covering it, such that it’s too subtle to see. The lesson here is to not try to be subtle with that kind of pattern, and trust the wash to tone it down.

The Daydreams are just so cuddly. They’re so small I kept to a single color, just varying the tone to give some texture.


Coppelius is the Cthulhu monster that so much of Malifaux is clearly missing. His head has an interesting texture to it. I wish more Wyrd models had these kinds of textures on the surfaces. It makes my life so much easier than trying to paint them on.

The Alps have a fun variety of poses and heads. My favorite is the smoker. I painted their tunics to match the Daydreams, although it came out dark enough to be pretty hard to see.


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