Shatterpoint: Lead By Example (Plo Koon squad)

This box was one I skipped on at first. So then I was very pleased when it was the one that happened to come in the Adepticon swag bag. No swapping needed!

Plo Koon

Plo always remind me of Zoidberg from Futurama.

Commander Wolffe

“Wolffe”. Very clever names, as always.

Somehow the guys with long guns want to be in close combat.

Lead By Example (Plo Koon squad)

Shatterpoint: Fearless and Inventive (Luke Skywalker squad)

Let’s get back to the original trilogy!

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

I’m continuing with the quick and dirty drybrush OSL method. It’s a bit overdone, but it gives a strong energy to the lightsabers, which I really like.

Bar2-D2 is the real star of the show.

Boushh (Leia)

And of course, Boushh. Seen here in with a thermal detonator ready to go.

Fearless and Inventive

Shatterpoint: Fear and Dead Men (Darth Vader squad)

Now we’re talking. Some original trilogy baddies.

Darth Vader, the Emperor’s Servant

Darth Vader is where it’s at. I don’t love his billowing cloak. I considered converting it, but decided not to. The silhouette is important for my opponent to understand which version of Vader I’m playing. Also I’m lazy, and not sure I could do it well.

Stormtrooper Sergeant

Mr Sergeant, the first unnamed Secondary.

And some stormtroopers to round it out.

Fear and Dead Men (Darth Vader squad)

Shatterpoint: Ee Chee Wa Maa! (Leia/Chirpa Endor squad)

Good squads come in pairs. This one of the second half of the ewoks.

Chief Chirpa

Since all the ewok characters look kind of similar, I tried to keep them as close to the box art as I could.

Leia Organa, Freedom Fighter

The non-ewok model in this box is Leia, an alternate primary. She bridges the gap between ewoks and rebels. There’s a bare-headed option, which I usually pick for primary and secondaries. But I really don’t like the sculpt. So she gets a helmet.


Another ewok character with a raised staff. This time with dark brown fur.

And another set of repeated secondaries. I rotated the paint colors to hide it a bit. If I were less lazy maybe I would have done some conversion.

Ee Chee Wa Maa squad

Hobby, games, and other amusements