I had talked myself into buying this box a long time ago for Johana many months ago, which is part of what sent me on a path towards Gremlins. Now they’re painted up and ready to go.

I struggled with gaps on Somer, and am not entirely happy with the results. The skin is pretty nice, though.
The Skeeters are way too big for their bases. I decided to put them in flight. The stands are just some 1/8″ acrylic rod, with magnets to make them easier to transport. In game you can summon more, so my compulsive nature demands I have enough models. I’m assured it’ll never happen, though, so I probably won’t actually do anything about it.

I’m really happy with how Lenny turned out. His skin tone is really rich, and his eyes stand out nicely.
The Bayou Gremlins all have interesting, distinctive poses, which is really fun. I’m not sure how to keep it up for more models for summoning Somer. Maybe some conversions are in my future.

I also got the limited edition Bayou Gremlin from the Black Friday sale, so I have a little more variety.
Updated October 2016 with improved images.
Lucas, can you assemble my skeeters the same way? Please? Thank you!
No, but I can show you how I did it, and give you a bit of acrylic rod and magnets if you need them.
fine, fine, fine. I’ll take the rods, magnets and the show me how part too… Thank you! :)