Continuing to round out my Neverborn, the Doppelganger sneaks her way into my collection.

I originally painted the towel thing flesh tones, as in Wyrd’s art. It didn’t stand out enough, so brought it to a different, redder, flesh tone. It still looked weird, so I ended up just re-doing it in white.
I’m not entirely fond of how the vertebrae worked out, but I like the rest of the musculature.
I tried something new when pinning this model. It’s been very difficult to drill into the small feet of many Malifaux models. This time, I took an actual pin (for sewing) and heated it in a cancel for about ten seconds. Once it was nice and hot, I pushed it into the foot. When cool, I cut off the head of the needle.
It worked fairly well, although you can see it a bit on the skinless foot.
Updated October 2016 with improved images.