Gaslands: The Initial Sextet

Gaslands has always caught my eye. Post-apoc weird cards crashing together, what’s not to love?

A few bits to choose from

So a picked out a five-pack of cars from Target and piled a table high with bits. What would come out other end?


I tried to strip most of the original paint from the cars using a wire wheel on a Dremel. I didn’t take out the plastic, so some places got marred.


By far the most common bit was extra bits from 15mm tank kits, either extra bits from Team Yankee or some Flames of War sprues I picked up as swag over the years.


But there are some others, like this missile pod, which came from a Reaper CAV kit.


Or sliced up random pieces of plastic, like the slats and door armor on Slats here.

Soccer Technical

I also got a North Star Implements of Carnage sprue, which gave some more specific bigs, like this gunner.


Wrex is by far the most highly converted piece. The cab is all that’s left of the original car. The treads and turret came from different 15mm tanks, while the arm came from the Implements of Carnage sprue. And then some green stuff tentacle cabling and assorted random bits to bring it all together.

Crisis Protocol: Commercial Truck

Every modern board needs more vehicles. So I was excited by this kit.

Crisis Protocol garbage truck

And then promptly annoyed. It actually only has one truck. It’s got two backs, but only a single chassis and cab.

Crisis Protocol tanker truck

So I didn’t glue down the cargo body. I have vague ideas about making a platform the tank could go on, but haven’t actually made any progress towards it. I just wish they put a little more plastic in the box to make this kit way more useful.

Crisis Protocol: NYC Construction Site

The Crisis Protocol core set has a nice package of terrain, but you can never have enough. This construction site stuff helps to round it out, still useful for any modern game setting.

Construction Office

The construction office is much bigger than the Daily Bugle newstand in the core set. I used a similar streaking oil wash technique, with the addition of some rain marks.


The loader was a bit of a pain to paint. The arms made it difficult to get at the cab. But the way the model is constructed doesn’t lend itself to painting in subassemblies. I used a mix of Tamiya panel liner and sponge rust chipping.


The mixer had all the same subassembly issues as the loader.

The set came with a bunch of smaller barrels and road barriers. If I were smarter, I might have saved some to fill out larger based models. I guess it’s not too late. In the meantime, they can fill out the board a bit.

Crisis Protocol: Core Set Terrain

The Crisis Protocol core box comes with a nice selection of city terrain. Throwing terrain around is a core aspect of the game, so it’s good to have it nicely represented. It also formed a solid base for a modern table.

The Daily Bugle newstand is the biggest piece in the set. I’m very pleased with how it turned out. Most of the shading was done with an airbrush, enhanced with an oil wash. I pulled down the wash to form dirty streaks.

Daily Bugle detail

This poster was printed from online. My home printer is black and white, so I colored it with some waterproof markers. I tried a couple of techniques to weather the paper — soak in tea, paint with a thinned acrylic wash, paint with thinned GW Contrast paints. The tea worked best, but it still didn’t quite work for me. Finally, I rubbed it my fingers stained from the oil wash. This added the perfect amount of grime.

Crisis Protocol dumpsters

The dumpsters are a pretty standard sponge chip rust application.

Crisis Protocol taxi
Crisis Protocol sedan

I used Tamiya panel liner to try to bring out the panel lines on the cars, to mixed success. I also applied a few dots of the liner as a stain, which I’d also call a partial success.

Crisis Protocol street lights
Crisis Protocol stoplights

Street lights and stoplights just add a bit more life to the table.

Hobby, games, and other amusements