Malifaux: Realm Beyond (Title Dreamer)

I haven’t picked up too many title boxes for Malifaux. But when this one was on the damaged shelf at the FLGS I couldn’t say no.

Dreamer (Insomniac)

I’m never really happy with how sculpted energy like this turns out. But I do like the gold trim on Dreamer’s pajamas.

Lady Yume

Yume’s arms were a nightmare (ha), and they still don’t really match too well. But I do like the deep red. and the murky depths she’s emerging from.

Realm Beyond

I don’t currently have Asami, so I left her on sprue. Maybe she’ll be conversion fodder for something down the road.

Malifaux: Juggernauts (Nightmare Riotbreakers)

These Juggernauts (nightmare Riotbreakers) are the Black Friday followup to this year’s Gencon nightmare models.

Juggernaut (bare headed)

It’s always nice when there are a few more in-theme alts to work with.

Juggernaut (metal hair)

Unlike the Weeping Huntress, these 40mm models fill out their bases nicely.

Juggernaut (mickey)

Although some of their helmets are a little silly.

Malifaux: Legend Reforged (Nightmare Hoffman expansion)

Like most of the recent Nightmare sets, Lord Galehault got some followups. Only in this case, the first followup came out at Gencon as well.

Lord Galehault

With titles being a thing now in Malifaux, complete with alternate sculpts, the Nightmares need it, too. In this case, he’s unhorsed, but otherwise the same character.

Galvanic Wyrm

But he has this robot dragon for a friend.

Legend Reforged

Malifaux: Fallen Kingdom (Nightmare Hoffman)

The Nightmare set from 2022 didn’t really speak to me. But for some reason this one did.

Lord Galehault (Nightmare Hoffman)

I always feel like I’m missing something when painting realistic horses. But this one is fantastic enough that it seems okay.

The Hollow Fiends came with clear plastic flight stands, but now obvious place to mount them. These rods were originally intended just for painting, but I ended up deciding to keep them.

Porphyrion (Nightmare Joss)

Look at this brawny man. He probably can’t look at you through that helmet.

Stiltzkin (Nightmare Mechanical Attendant)

Stiltzkin is this lovely silly little beast.

Weeping Huntress (Nightmare Melissa KORE)

The Weeping Huntress is the one weak sculpt of the batch. In particular, it doesn’t really fill the 40mm base. Oh well, you can’t win ’em all.

Fallen Kingdom

Hobby, games, and other amusements