Let’s do another dark side from the Shatterpoint starter, this time Asajj Ventress
Asajj Ventress, Sith Assassin
I copied off the studio model and used blue in the shadows of her skirt. I like how it turned out. I should probably use color like this a lot more than I do.
Kalani, Super Tactical Droid
Kalani came with two arm options. I chose this one over a holo display because I thought it looked cooler. Now, looking at the very similar Kraken sculpt in the Grievous box, I wish I had chosen the holo display to make them more distinct.
B1 Battle Droids
The battle droids come as a bunch to a base. I painted a couple of limbs a different color, as a field repair with parts from a different unit.
I’d call myself a casual fan of Star Wars. I dig (most of) the movies. I’ve seen some of the related shows. But I love me some skirmish games, so let’s do it.
Lord Maul
Lord Maul seems to be more intact than the last time I saw him. I should probably watch Clone Wars sometime and maybe I’ll understand.
Mandalorian Super Commando (jumping)Mandalorian Super Commander (kneeling)
The starter set has too many Mandalorians in it. Each side has three models out of eight models (a Secondary plus a pair of Supporting) in Mandalorian armor. There are models from each unit type that are posed mid-jump.
Gar Saxon
So as sad as I am to lose Gar Saxon’s cool spiky helmet, I went with the bare head for the Secondaries. This should help them stand out from the Support on the tabletop.
Crisis Protocol has a bunch of nicely themed terrain sets. Some of them are a little bit big for playability, but do a lot of work to sell the setting. The Quinjet is one such example.
Quinjet (front)
My buddy very generously gave me this set for Christmas. I quickly got it painted for play, though it’s taken a while to get it posted here.
Quinjet (top)
The main color is a Turbo Dork colorshift, which helps to give large flat surfaces some variation. I also drybrushed on the edges to bring out the shape.
I wish I had the foresight to weight down the nose. There is a lot more model behind the landing gear than in front of it. The bit of ground keeps it balanced, but it would be nice to let it stand freely.