One of the great things about Blitz Bowl is that one Blood Bowl box is enough for two teams. These Snotlings were ones that a friend was kind enough to share with me.

And they are just too cute. These three position players come with 25mm bases, which is smaller than the 32mm of most Blitz Bowl models. I stuck magnets to the underside with superglue and green stuff so they can still hold balls.

The main body of Snotlings (six! as many models as most teams get altogether!) also came with 25mm bases. I went even smaller and put them on 20mm bases. It makes them look even smaller and cuter on the table, and helps to distinguish them from the postional players. And since the game is played on a grid, the bases don’t really matter.
They don’t have magnets for the ball, but there’s so much room in the grid that it doesn’t really matter.
The Pump Wagon is the big boy of the team, getting a 32mm bases that it really doesn’t fit on. Plus four snotlings getting a ride.

And of course, a variety of accessories. I based the standing ball, as is my current practice. I also tried basing the marker to help it stand. I’m not sure how I feel about that approach yet, though I wish I had cut off the built in base.