As the first new releases since I started playing Underworlds, I was excited to pick up and paint these guys.
I’ve always liked the orks, but have never really gotten into them in my time in the main GW games, probably because the idea of a horde army has always turned me off (or at least my wallet and paint queue).
As a small model count skirmish game, though, Underworlds has no such problem. At only three models, this is tied for the smallest warband in Underworlds.
The beastmen of Grashrak’s Despoilers fills a gap in my general fantasy model collection. They could fill in for all kinds of evil beasties.
I’m particularly pleased with how the colors turned out. The flesh is definitely purple, but still fleshy. The yellow-green to the accents is loud, but since I often paint muted, it’s a nice change of pace.
I wanted the bases to reflect a more desolate region than Skaeth’s Wild Hunt. The woods are gray, the greens desaturated. It helps to make the colors on the figures stand out.
I’m late to the Underworld bandwagon, but building the collection. The Beastgrave box seemed like a good choice, to give more game boards, dice, a second set of generic cards, and two warbands to boot.
As far as I can tell, this warband doesn’t really have a larger force within the Age of Sigmar universe, which makes it extra fun.
I’m especially pleased with how the bases turned out on this set. There are some decent blends between dirt and mossy sections.
I wish I had gone for a redder bronze on the metals, however. The flesh, orange fur, and golden metals all blend together a little too well.
Every group of centaurs and satyrs needs a pet cat.
Just like Ruth’s treefolk, I picked these up for Max in lieu of an Adepticon model.
Max had fun helping with assembly. The Underworlds kits are press-fit, but I still glued them.
Max also carefully studied the box art to determine what colors to paint everything. He still needs some work on getting full coverage, but is improving.
We haven’t played a formal game with them yet, but Max has definitely lined them up against other models and done battle. He likes hooking the spear between the arms of other, lesser, creatures.