My fantasy furniture collection is starting to fill out. Look at all this nice loot!
This collection includes some desktop accessories. It really helps to make the space feel occupied.
More fantasy furniture from Terrain Crate, this time an armory.
Terrain Crate uses a bendy plastic which I don’t especially like to work with. Long pieces (like the weapon racks) tend to bend and stay that way. And it’s difficult to clean up mold lines. But’s the price is good, and it does better in a pile than something less flexible (and therefore more brittle).
Plus, you can get away with a lot of problems in terrain. Just sponge some brown on it. The focus will be on the models, anyways.
I continue to use Rangers of Shadow Deep as an excuse to build out my general fantasy collection. This time, it’s furniture, specifically for a torture chamber.
I bought a couple of the big Terrain Crate boxes and will be working on it from time to time. This has already been used for Tor Varden.