Category Archives: Spin-o-matic

Arena Rex: Nero and Septimus

Each faction gets a beast and rider. For Ludus Magnus, it’s Nero with his rider Septimus.


Nero is is a nice bulky bull. I took the easy way out and did some shading with an airbrush and highlights mostly by drybrushing.

Nero and Septimus

As my habit for Arena Rex mounts, I embedded small magnets in both beast and rider. In Nero’s case, that made it impossible to line up the reins.

Nero and Septimus (top)

But I think it’s less distracting to have not-quite-attached reins than it would be to cut them off entirely and have him just miming it. Bowstrings you can imagine, reins less so.

Nero and Septimus

Crisis Protocol: Ghost-Spider and Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

Since I had Venom, I decided to make the Web Warriors and Spider Foes the initial affiliations for focus on. Web Warriors come first. So I need me some more spider persons.

Ghost Spider

Ghost Spider is mostly black and white, which makes for something of a challenge. I quite like the pink to jazz it up. I also covered part of the base with dirt material, to help hide the fact that there are only a few distinct bases.

Spider-man (Miles Morales)

The newspaper machine as part of this model just cracks me up. It’s one of the more interesting bits of a melded base and model I’ve seen in recent years.