Category Archives: Shatterpoint

Shatterpoint: General Anakin Squad

And now the final squad from the Shatterpoint starter, General Anakin and his clone friends.

General Anakin

I’ve only cheated with object source lighting. This lightsaber effect is no different. Just a quick drybrush to bring blue into the highlights. It’s not especially realistic, but it’s simple and effective.

Captain Rex

Once again I chose the bare-headed option for the secondaries, to more fully distinguish from the supports.

Some sparingly applied brown washes and sponge chipping white gives these guys a nicely weathered look.

General Anakin squad

Shatterpoint: Asajj Ventress squad

Let’s do another dark side from the Shatterpoint starter, this time Asajj Ventress

Asajj Ventress, Sith Assassin

I copied off the studio model and used blue in the shadows of her skirt. I like how it turned out. I should probably use color like this a lot more than I do.

Kalani, Super Tactical Droid

Kalani came with two arm options. I chose this one over a holo display because I thought it looked cooler. Now, looking at the very similar Kraken sculpt in the Grievous box, I wish I had chosen the holo display to make them more distinct.

The battle droids come as a bunch to a base. I painted a couple of limbs a different color, as a field repair with parts from a different unit.

Shatterpoint: Ahsoka Tano squad

We had some Shatterpoint dark side, how about some light side.

Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More

The color patterns on Ahsoka’s head and face are lightly inscribed into the sculpt, making it much easier to at least approximately paint it.

Bo-Katan Kryze

I chose the bare headed variant for Bo-Katan, to help distinguish her from the other Mandalorians in the squad.

The Clan Kryze Mandalorians follow the same pattern as the super commandos – one standing, one jumping.

Ahsoka Tano squad