Category Archives: Shatterpoint

Shatterpoint: Yub Nub (Logray squad)

Oh yeah, time for some murder teddy bears.


I know I was most excited about original trilogy for Shatterpoint. Why not ewoks?

I am disappointed that the supporting Trappers are duplicate sculpts, though.


Wicket looks a little small on his base.

C3PO and R2D2

Each of the ewok boxes has an extra model. In Yub Nub’s case, it’s a bonus secondary in the form of R2 and C3PO.

Yub Nub squad

Shatterpoint: Twice the Pride (Count Dooku squad)

Dooku was one of the initial squad pack releases, so arguably formed a core of the Separatists. But I wasn’t playing the game yet, and it wasn’t new and shiny any more. With the drought of new Shatterpoint models around the new year, I finally caught up.

Count Dooku

There are two arms in the kit. But why woudn’t you choose lightning when lightning is on offer?

Jango Fett

Keep your head on straight, Jango

And of course, the Magnaguard. Super tanky and annoying.

Twice the Pride

Shatterpoint: Core Set Terrain

No miniatures game is complete without terrain. Shatterpoint has its particular flavor, with lots of gantries between buildings.

The gantries are quite nice, as they have a few subtle pegs that help keep them together.

I dirtied them up with oil washes, which make for nice streaks. To add some extra spice, I added graffiti decals and propaganda posters from a variety of scifi franchises. The posters are just printed out on regular paper, glued on, and then smudged with foam swabs with oil paints leftover from the cleaning up the oil wash.

My hope is that these can work for Shatterpoint, but wouldn’t be out of place in any other scifi or even near-modern game.