I did some spots on Barriss Offe’s cloak, but they’re practically invisible in the final product. Sooner or later I’ll learn to be garish in the first pass so contrasts survive washes.
Republic Clone Commandos
Like the 501st, I uses washes and chipping to keep the clones from being too white. I also take whatever excuse I can to apply contrast in the details, like the shoulder pads and below the chest plate.
Preorders for Shatterpoint got a promo Padawan Ahsoka model. I didn’t preorder, but managed to get the last one at the shop when just buying off the shelf.
Padawan Ahsoka
Apparently she’ll come out in a regular release eventually. But for now she’s a limited release.
And now the final squad from the Shatterpoint starter, General Anakin and his clone friends.
General Anakin
I’ve only cheated with object source lighting. This lightsaber effect is no different. Just a quick drybrush to bring blue into the highlights. It’s not especially realistic, but it’s simple and effective.
Captain Rex
Once again I chose the bare-headed option for the secondaries, to more fully distinguish from the supports.
501st Clone Troopers
Some sparingly applied brown washes and sponge chipping white gives these guys a nicely weathered look.