Hello There may have been the first 2023 Galactic Republic squad box, but it’s the one I’ve gotten to. I started playing Shatterpoint a little after its release, and there was something a little newer and shinier. But now’s the time to backfill.
General Obi-Wan Kenobi
Shatterpoint tabards have been giving me trouble, but I think I finally got one right.
212th Clone Troopers
My clone troopers have gotten increasing gray in color. At least these have some nice orange to balance it out a bit.
Clone Commander Cody
Cody’s on the case. Unlike Aurra Sing, I managed to avoid snipping off his antenna.
Obi-Wan here is the second model out of the You Cannot Run duel pack, along with Darth Vader.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Out of Hiding
The pack is silly priced, but I found it at a great discount to make it more reasonable. I intend to make the diorama part sometime, though unfortunately it doesn’t look like it’d work too well as terrain for the table.