The Veers box gives you enough stormtroopers to really stack up their benefits.
General Veers
Most of my Shatterpoint bases have been pretty uniform, which helps for the mix-and-match nature of the list building.
Snowtrooper Lieutenant
But I had some fun with these snowtroopers. There’s snow, of course.
But I also gave the concrete more of a blue tint, to help sell it as frozen over.
Maximum Firepower (General Veers squad)
More Mandos!
The Armorer
I’ve had a lot of success with this squad, combined with The Mandalorian and the starter set Kryze mandos.
Paz Vizela
There’s a lot of synergies that just kind of happen for you without a lot of planning.
Covert Mandalorians
Plus it’s a bunch of cool models. What’s not to like.
This is the Way (The Armorer squad)
More imperials, this time from a video game.
Iden Versio
Iden’s droid is a fun supporting piece in the video game. But I managed to damage the legs, so I decided to pose it in backpack mode.
Gideon Hask
Hask, the other Gideon.
Del Meeko
The box comes with one named Supporting unit (Del Meeko) along with the standard unnamed two-character unit (Imperial Special Forces). The box has helmets for everybody. And these are super cool helmets. But I decided to keep my standard bare heads for primary/secondary and helmets for support, to help with visual identification on the table.
Imperial Special Forces
Today the Rebellion Dies (Iden Versio squad)
Why should Leia have all the Endor fun?
General Solo
These models get the same basing treatment as the ewoks and other Endor models.
This droid is having a bad day. He probably beat Chewie at Holochess.
Rebel Commandos
And then there are some grunts to round out the box.
Real Quiet Like (Han Solo squad)
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