Category Archives: Resurrectionists

Malifaux: Kirai Core Box (Kirai, Ikiryo, Lost Love, Onryo)

Kirai offers a chance for a different take on the Resurrectionists than the zombies of McMourning.


Kirai herself is a more refined model, with a fluid pose and incredibly large shears.

Datsue Ba

Datsue Ba has a cool octopus lamp.


Ikiryo sadly didn’t get a resculpt in the M3E box. There’s something about her that doesn’t do it for me.

Lost Love

Lost Love looks angry.

The Onryo are dancerly, like Kirai.

Kirai Core Box

Malifaux: Guild Autopsies

Guild Autopsies are another cheap minion for McMourning, and general purpose cowboy zombies.

Guild Autopsy (pistol down)

They do all have excellent hats.

Guild Autopsy (pistol aimed)

And pretty good shambling poses.

Guild Autopsy (pistol butt)

I picked these up out of a sense of completion. I already had Nurses and alt Rafkin, so I figured if I ever wanted the Autopsies I should find an M2E box. I don’t know how often I’ll play with them, but they were a fun paint project.

Guild Autopsies (group)

Malifaux: Canine Remains

The Canine Remains are a cheap minion for McMourning. As usual, my supernatural animals turn out much cooler than more natural ones.

Canine Remains (blue)

I had intended for this puppy to be a blue-black. It turned out just plain blue, but I actually like it. So much of my Malifaux is drab colors, it’s nice to have something bolder.

Canine Remains (leaping)

I lost one of this guy’s ears during assembly. But why won’t a zombie dog be missing an ear?

Canine Remains (running)

Many Malifaux undead models (like the Rougarou) have chunks of exposed flesh to demonstrate it’s undeadness. I always struggle to make it blend with the rest of the model.

Canine Remains (group)