Next up for Kirai minions is the Vengeful Ghosts box.
Goryo (short)
Goryo (tall)
The Goryo are pretty cool with the ghostly bodies swirling about. I never feel like I capture the spectral quality of these kind of models. Translucent models would be helpful.
Seishin (beard)
Seishin (dogface)
Seishin (fishface)
Seishin (longface)
Seishin (shortface)
I don’t like how the Seishin turned out at all. Nothing really works on them. I tried to give a glow on the base like they’re ghosting through, but it doesn’t really sell. The colors don’t work. Nothing works. But, I tend to move on rather than repainting a model, so here they stand.
Kirai is a summoner, which really encourages you to go out and get all the minions. First up is Ravenous, with Gaki and Shikome.
Gaki (curve)
Gaki (arm up)
Gaki (arms in)
The Gaki are weird hooded tooth monsters. I feel like they would be right at home in a Labyrinth-style muppet movie.
I already did one Shikome, the alt He-kome. So I was able to resist and just do one from the Ravenous box. The other will be available for bits. Wings are always useful.
Wyrd traditionally releases a limited edition gender-swapped ‘Miss’ model at Gencon. Usually this takes a male character and reimagines it as a female with a clever name like Miss Deed or Miss Feasance. For 2018, they went the opposite way and made this male Shikome. Since I painted up Kirai, it’s finally time to put him together.
He-kome (alt Shikome)
I quite like the giant wings, though I wish they rested a bit more evenly on the base (or maybe I didn’t quite align them correctly).