Category Archives: Malifaux

Malifaux: Myranda

With an ever-growing Arcanists collection, Myranda would have to make an appearance eventually. Fortunately, I was able to snag a Marcus box for cheap off eBay.Myranda

MyrandaI continued the pale green and red-violet scheme, with some blue-black leather for variety. I wanted gray for the rocks to contrast with the brown earth. I gave her hair similar treatment, to pull the model together.

Malifaux: Blessed of December

Adding some mobility to an otherwise relatively static Rasputina crew, the Blessed of December will jump on anyone who looks at her funny.

Blessed of December
Blessed of December

The sculpt is not well loved by the community. I like it enough, although I wish it better fit on the base. I skimped a bit on gap filling around the head. It’s looking so far down that under normal circumstances it’ll be all but invisible.

Unlike some models, the fur is well sculpted into the flesh. That means a drybrush gets you pretty far.