While I’ve mostly focused on Wyrd’s plastic limited edition models, I couldn’t help but track down a Miss Pack once I started playing as Resurrectionists.
As a metal model, Miss Pack comes attached to a standard tab for a slotted base. Since my Resurrectionists are in resin bases, I trimmed it down. But the feet are a small target to drill a pin into. Instead, I left a bit of of the tab and drilled a matching hole, filling the gap with green stuff. It makes for a much more durable connection than just gluing the feet would have made.
With this year’s Miss Feasance providing a Seamus and an alt Sybelle already in the stash, I was just one clearance box of Rotten Belles and a proxy Copycat Killer away from a Seamus crew box worth of models. How could I resist?
Emeline Bellerose (alt Sybelle)
Emeline Bellerose is an alt Sybelle originally made available as a promo in August 2017 when buying enough Wyrd product from a local game store. Although the character she represents is undead, I decided to go with a cleaner, more ladylike appearance that most of my Resurrectionists.
Proxy Copycat Killer (Wild West Dorothy)
I’m still keeping an eye out for a Puppet Wars Seamus or Evil Baby Orphanage models for a more “official” proxy. But for now I’ve got this Wild West Dorothy from Reaper’s Chronoscope line. There’s some light conversion of giving her a bigger gun, and of course hats. The topmost hat is an extra from one of the Winter Wonderland Ice Gamin, so at least there’s some Wyrd product!
Rotten Belle (burgundy)
Rotten Belle (green)
Rotten Belle (purple)
Finally, the Belles. They get my standard undead treatment, and individual colors to help distinguish them on the table.
Since Wyrd was kind enough to make an all-Resurrectionist set of limited models this Gencon, I get another alt master model.
Miss Feasance (alt Seamus)
So with an alt Seamus, an alt Sybelle from a while back, and 2nd edition minion boxes widely discounted, that just leaves me with the Copycat Killer to figure out. I have some ideas, though…
I got Vintage McMourning as a random promo a while ago. Now that I’m apparently doing Resurrectionists, it seemed appropriate to paint it up.
Vintage McMourning
I’ve taken McMourning as a second master in one game. He pretty much single-handedly won me the game. His ability to ignore a bunch of defensive abilities makes him super dangerous. Unfortunately, his discard-to-move-4″ ability doesn’t synergize with the Fading abilities that Molly brings to the table.