The Fallout starter box also comes with a single power armored character, usable with various factions.
I went with a simple metallic look, with some weathering. I tried to add streaking, but it didn’t really come through.
Last time was the Survivors, now it’s time for the starter set Super Mutants.
The Aviator is the top dog. You can tell because he has the coolest hat. I gave each of the Super Mutants a different color to make it easier to refer to them.
Overall the Super Mutants faired better in the PVC, except for the Brute. His hammer’s shaft was hopelessly bent. I replaced it with a bit of styrene cut to size. Unfortunately I made it a bit too wide, so used green stuff to enlarge the segment between fists from the original model.
This model is listed as a generic Super Mutant. How dull. He doesn’t even get a hat.
I’m underwhelmed by the Mutant Hound models. They seem to be fillers, both here and in the various other boxes of models. But maybe they’re useful point fillers, too.
I picked up the two-player starter for Fallout at the end of 2018, but didn’t actually play a game until late 2019. I’m a total sucker for post-apoc, and this skirmish game scratches that itch nicely. I haven’t tried the campaign or solo/coop modes yet, but just as independent games it plays pretty well.
The two-player starter comes with soft PVC models, which has all the issues common to that material. Muddy details, sometimes bendy parts. The sculpted bases are a nice touch, though.
I seem to have a hard time with realistic animals. I think it’s because you can’t hide behind sculpted details and actually need to paint the fur colors. For once I feel I actually captured something decent.
The Enslaved Tech can be hired by both Survivors and Super Mutants, but since she’s human I’m including him here. His harness gives him more of a Mad Max look, but he’s a bit too scrawny to really pull it off.
Out of all the Survivors this Settler suffers the most from being in PVC. Most of the detail in the coat is missing, leaving a basic form.
The starter set calls this model another Settler, but the Survivors faction box calls it a Scavenger.
I’ve chosen Survivors as my starting faction, although I’ve got a smattering of other models as loaners or NPCs in some scenarios. I’m looking forward to fleshing out the collection and playing more of the game.