I’ve always wanted more general monsters from Metal King, and the latest Kickstarter delivered with these Ancient Dead.
Ancient Dead (hunched)
They’re skeletons, but with that special Relicblade flavor.
Ancient Dead (proud)
I decided to go a little more uniform with the paint scheme. These are supposed to be background players. The pose gives them enough individual character.
The box comes with one named Supporting unit (Del Meeko) along with the standard unnamed two-character unit (Imperial Special Forces). The box has helmets for everybody. And these are super cool helmets. But I decided to keep my standard bare heads for primary/secondary and helmets for support, to help with visual identification on the table.
I picked up two packs of these tree trunks at Adepticon last year. They’re 3D printed, and do a nice job of complimenting the structures in the official Shatterpoint terrain.