I let my kids each pick out a Blood Bowl team box. I would get half, and they could paint the other half, giving each of us a full Blitz Bowl team. Ruth chose Wood Elves.
Of all the teams I’ve done so far, the Wood Elves offer the most choices, with lots of extra heads and a few arm variants. Blitz Bowl doesn’t double up on models, but it’s still a nice touch.
This is my first elf team for Blitz Bowl. They definitely sell as lithe compared to the humans.
According to the guys at The Crush, the swirl on the top of the thrower’s head is a horn. Well I saw phooey to that, it’s hair.
The lineman all have mohawks and masks. To help match their status as “regular” players, they all have the same white hair.
Wood Elves Token Wood Elves Balls Wood Elves Coin
I continued my trend of keeping the coin and token simple. They’re not exciting, but that’s what you get.
Cool paint! Could you tell the colours you have used please?
I don’t have notes, but it was probably something like: