These paragons are the named character variants for Relicblade. Of course I had to have them.
Nelda the Keeper
These are a fun way to revisit existing character types.
Nelda’s Bear Form
I love the bear. Especially the shared chest piece with the druid form. I went for a polar bear look.
Lady Aurelia
I wish Lady Aurelia was more distinct from the regular version. Maybe she could get a giant mace instead of a sword. Or, even better, have a sword sheathed on her back, because she’s delivering a Writ of Justice.
The final piece for my recent Sigmar game was more Vulkites. You always need more. I hope that isn’t actually true, I’m kind of tired of painting them.
Vulkite Berzerkers (with karl)
These ones are more picks, so I can make a 20-man unit each of axes and picks.
Vulkite Berzerkers (with horn)
It’s been years since I last painted these guys, but I managed to match colors pretty closely. The easiest way to tell is that these guys have more of a white highlight on their hair.
I dig the original endless spells box (though have only painted up one from it). With a scheduled game for AoS 3rd, I finally had an excuse to get the Fyreslayers one.
Molten Infernoth
The Molten Infernoth has been tempting me from the shop ever since its release. What miniature collection doesn’t need a lava monster? This guy could fit into just about any kind of game. Well, anything except a historical, I guess.
Runic Fyrewall
The Fyrewall is somewhat less a universally useful model. But it’s still fun.
Zharrgron Flame-spitter
I don’t like this sculpt too much. The gloppy lava might work in motion, but I don’t think it works well as a tabletop model. It doesn’t help that my paint ended up so dark.