A big downside to the Fyreslayers is the lack of choices for units. Also, that they’re not sky pirates. Splashing in some Kharadron Overlord allies solves both problems.
Skywarden (volleygun)
Skywarden (skypike)
Skywarden (drill cannon)
As these guys are steampunk, there’s obviously a lot of metal. But I also pulled in the reds and greens so they belong with the Fyreslayers.
The Grimwrath Berzerker gets the same slate chip base as other characters to give him a bit of separation from the rank and file dwarves that he may be hanging out with. I wasn’t feeling very adventurous with the hair, so the rest of the paint scheme is pretty pedestrian.
Grimwrath Berzerker
In game I love this guy. He gets to attack twice if he kills enough and rolls well enough the first time. The only problem is that he tends to clear the models around him, so I have a hard time consolidating into more enemies.
Acolyte Hybrids make up the last of my initial Genestealer Cult Kill Team.
I got a bunch of extra cutter bits off eBay in support of maximum special weapons. I didn’t notice until later that the three arms are split between a bonus left and right arm, so the torsos don’t always quite match. Oh well.
Acolyte Hybrid (cutter, green)
Acolyte Hybrid (cutter, robe)
Acolyte Hybrid (cutter, orange)
Acolyte Hybrid (cutter, purple)
Acolyte Hybrid (drill)
Unlike the most of my other Genestealer Cults models, I decided to magnetize the arms on these guys. I don’t have many extra Acolyte bodies, so the flexibility seemed worthwhile.
What a Genestealer Cult without some Genestealers?
Genestealer (cthulhu head)
The Kill Team list building rules seem to encourage diversity in the Genestealers. You can take Scything Talons for free, along with Rending Claws. Then you can split your attacks between them.
Genestealer (flesh hooks)
You can also take one model with Flesh Hooks and one with an Acid Maw for free, giving further options. Sure, I’ll take free options.
Genestealer (acid maw)
I gave the acid gland the same orange as the hazard suits on the Neophytes. It doesn’t totally make sense that the organic components would match a jumpsuit, but it helps give them a unified look so I’ll take it.