I picked up Aionus along with the rest of my Black Friday goodies. It’s a different material, a softer PVC rather than the standard hard plastic Wyrd uses. The material itself was okay, although a little harder to clean up seams. I wish it hadn’t been pre-assembled, however. The upper and lower torso were a bit out of alignment, and needed a fair amount of green stuff and filing to smooth out.

I tried to do a bit of OSL shading with this model, to try and give the clocktower an etherial quality. I’m not sure whether I think it works on the basing, or just looks like I was sloppy when painting. On the legs and arms, though, I think it works pretty well. I’ll keep experimenting.

I’ve taken Aionus in one game, to fill out my Tara crew. Unfortunately, he mostly just stabbed people with his bony finger, and I didn’t get a chance to use his cool marker manipulation abilities. Next time!