Naturally, the Guardians needed something to ride around in. I painted this model months ago, but haven’t had the chance to show it off much.

It doesn’t totally come across in the pictures, but I think the shading I did with the airbrush worked pretty well on this model. It’s subtle, but it helps to keep the model from looking too flat.

The weapons are, as usual, magnetized. The shuriken cannon/catapult was kind of a pain, since it’s designed to pop onto a pivot point, the magnet needs to be on the inside of the U. I ended up cutting it with a razorsaw, putting in the magnet, and gluing it back together. The seam is behind and under, so I didn’t worry too much about the seam being a little visible.

While priming and airbrushing I just attached the top hull with blue tack. This let me do the shading with the natural shadows of the model, but still easily get to the engines without spoiling the orange.