I bought Nekima in Wyrd’s Black Friday sale, and was able to paint it up in time for the Frozen Moments painting competition, in the single miniature category. It’s also my first posting to feature my shiny new Spin-o-matic 360º viewer.

I decided the model looked a bit small for Height 3 50mm, so I figured I’d build up the base a bit. The bar and stools are 4Ground. I added a bit of texture, although honestly it still seems a little flat. The mugs are made out of a bit of tubing for the body, wrapped in green stuff to sculpt a little shape. The handles are made out of paperclip wire.

I’ve also been experimenting with building a 360º view. I’m still not fully satisfied, but I think it’s workable. Click once to load, then drag to spin. It’s tested in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. It probably works in IE9+, too. Let me know what you think. [Note: I’ve improved the Spin-o-matic, including updating the images on this post, so I’m much happier with it now. You’re still welcome to let me know what you think]
Updated October 2016 with improved images.
Really liking the 360 view, Nekima looks great!