Eldar: Guardians

These guys are part of the first reinforcements for my Eldar allies force.  I should get a different color background to photograph against, so the white helmets and guns don’t get lost.

Eldar Guardians (first half, front)
Eldar Guardians (first half, front)

The heavy weapon platform is magnetized, and the weapons can be swapped with War Walkers

Eldar Guardians (first half, back)
Eldar Guardians (first half, back)

I’ve gone for painting all the blisters on my Eldar as gems in a couple colors.  I think it adds a nice bit of detail.

Eldar Guardians (second half, front)
Eldar Guardians (second half, front)

This is a pretty old kit, but it goes together pretty well.  The arms are matched, but once you cut them off the sprue it’s hard to see which goes with which.  Since I generally don’t glue on arms until after I’m done painting, I need to keep track of it through priming and painting until I get to final assembly.  I ended up sketching out each pair’s defining characteristics (the pendant and arm angles, mostly).

Eldar Guardians (second half, back)
Eldar Guardians (second half, back)


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