Eldar: Rangers

I bought these Eldar Rangers in the same store closing sale as a number of other models about a year ago.  They are Finecast, and were a big pain to clean up.  Most of the gems has some kind of flash on them, for example.

I painted them months ago.  Looking at them now, that pain has mostly faded and I’m really happy with how they look.

Rangers (group one, front)
Rangers (group one, front)

The blue cloaks are the Reaper Ultramarine Blue colors I’ve been using as the accent color for both Eldar and Dark Eldar.  As I recall, I airbrushed everything blue shades and mids, then highlighted the cloaks and painted the orange armor, helmet, gun, and details by hand.

Rangers (group two, front)
Rangers (group two, front)

It makes for a pretty bad camouflage, but I really like the striking difference in the color.  The armor also ties nicely into the rest of the army.

Rangers (group two, back)
Rangers (group two, back)

The details on the rear are probably the weakest parts, but also the parts hit hardest by the cast quality.

Rangers (detail)
Rangers (detail)

I’m very happy with how this unit turned out, despite how much I hated them at the time.

Malifaux: Cherub

Getting close to finishing the Mother of Monsters box.


This guy got the darker purple body from the Terror Tots, but the same hair and blue paint/purple washed wings as Barbaros.

I know it’s not terribly original, but I thought it was neat that the wings can come down to attach to the base.  I pin most Malifaux models, since the planks are made of balsa, but this one I was able to just plastic glue to the side of the base before priming.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.

Malifaux: Barbaros

The Terror Tot’s big brother is ready to trim your hedges.  I like the lunging pose on this guy, although I haven’t tried to fit him into foam yet.


I decided that the bigger nephilim should be a paler color than the terror tots, so I started with the highlight on the tots (Amethyst Purple) as a base, and highlighted with a mix of the base and Grel Flesh (the Reaper website makes it look like it would be the perfect highlight, but it’s a bit greyer in person).  I still washed with Secret Weapon’s Amethyst.

I tried washing the metals with a dark blue to try to tie back to the purple/blue scheme, but it didn’t really show up.  So I went back to one of my standbys, Armor Wash.

The wings are the blue triad I’ve been using across my Neverborn, but with the Amethyst Secret Weapon wash to tie it together a bit.  I meant to try do some blending at the base of the wings, but I guess I forgot.

The hair is Blue Liner, which is this neat black/grey/blue color, depending on how thin it is.  I thinned it a bit to let it leave the high points with a bit more primer shining through, which gave a nice natural highlight.  I did a light drybrush of Blue Liner mixed with white to bring it out a bit more.

Updated October 2016 with improved images.

Hobby, games, and other amusements