Category Archives: Past Projects

Ghosts of Random Rursdays Past: Ape with Stone Sword

On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects.  Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.

I’ve decided to participate in Wyrd’s summer painting contest, as an excuse to pick up some Malifaux models.  One of the contest rules is no posting about it before the contest ends, so I’ll post about an old model instead.

I painted this guy at a paint’n’take event at Kublacon in 2012.  This was with the paints and brushes provided by the event, which were not quite up to my normal standards.  It was a lot of fun to work within the constraints though (which paint bottle isn’t completely dried?  where can I find/make a highlight color?  are there any brushes with any kind of point?).  It was also the first time I did a model entirely in one sitting, which eventually lead to Random Rursdays.

Ape with Stone Sword

I don’t know who made this model, although I think he’s pretty cool.  I’m happy with the skin, fur, and sword.  I’m less happy with the base (it’s kind of a goofy color), loincloth, and necklace.

Updated December 2017 with improved images.

Ghosts of Random Rursdays Past: Snakeman

On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects.  Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.

I didn’t get a chance to go any painting this Thursday, so instead I’ll feature one I did a couple of week ago.

This is Snakeman, from the first Reaper Bones Kickstarter.  Its painted in my traditional Random Rursday technique: midtone, wash, drybrush or edge hightlight to taste.


I’ve done the red fletching things for arrows a couple of times now, but it never quite turns how I want it to.  I should probably branch out a bit.

The blood on the knives is Games Workshop’s Blood for the Blood God technical paint.  It’s pretty easy to get a nice effect, although I haven’t been able to get enough volume on a splatter type effect.

Updated December 2017 with improved images.

Ghosts of Random Rursdays Past: Descent miniatures

On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects.  Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.

Over the course of many Thursdays past, I painted up the entire set of Descent base set miniatures, one hero (or set of monsters) at a time.

The heroes all get Secret Weapon flagstone bases.  This is both to make them stand out a bit from the monsters, and was an excuse for me to check out the resin bases without committing to buying a whole army’s worth. The skeleton (a familiar for the necromancer) is from the Reaper Bones Kickstarter, since the game itself only comes with a cardboard token.


One of my players noticed that these guys are giving each other high fives.  Somehow they seem somewhat less threatening now.

Flesh Moulders

The purple magic fireball thing in their hands kind of came out looking like a scarf or something.

Cave Spiders

Painting the underside of these guys (and their base) was a pain.  In retrospect, I probably should have sliced them off, then reattached once painted.

Goblin Archers

I’m really happy with how these guys mouths and teeth turned out.

Shadow Dragons

In game, these have powers representing all the elements.  I decided to catch them in fire and water mode.  I tried doing some OSL-style lighting on the base of the fire one, but it kind of just looks like I’m sloppy.

Updated March 2019 with improved images.