On Thursdays, I like to take a break from my army projects. Instead, I try to do something that I can start and complete all in one evening.
I didn’t get a chance to go any painting this Thursday, so instead I’ll feature one I did a couple of week ago.
This is Snakeman, from the first Reaper Bones Kickstarter. Its painted in my traditional Random Rursday technique: midtone, wash, drybrush or edge hightlight to taste.

I’ve done the red fletching things for arrows a couple of times now, but it never quite turns how I want it to. I should probably branch out a bit.
The blood on the knives is Games Workshop’s Blood for the Blood God technical paint. It’s pretty easy to get a nice effect, although I haven’t been able to get enough volume on a splatter type effect.
Updated December 2017 with improved images.