Category Archives: Legio XIII

Arena Rex: Sulla

Sulla seems like a venerable general. His body is a wirey, but he holds himself regally. My package was missing one of his arms, but the fine folks at Red Republic sorted me out.


Now I have two complete six-man cohorts, so I can plop the models down in front of somebody and make them play me. Or I can just keep the pretty pretty models on a shelf and enjoy them just as much.

Arena Rex: Ywain

Continuing to build out, Ywain joins the ranks. I kept the red violet color for most of the color, with a bit of the reds I used for boots on my Bolt Action models.Ywain

YwainThe model comes with a cloak, but I decided that a lot of the Legio XIII had cloaks, so I’d let Ywain leave it behind. Hopefully I can use it for an interesting conversion somewhere down the line, although Arena Rex models are slightly larger scale than most.

Arena Rex: Legio XIII Starter (Gaius Pallidus, Ban-Luca, and Aquila)

I love love love the models for Arena Rex. I don’t get the play the game much, and frankly some of the models are finicky enough to make for bad game pieces. But they’re so beautiful I can’t help myself.


Aquila really highlights the Roman qualities of Legio XIII. After using the red-purples on Dark Carnival, I thought it would work well here as a slightly muted, older looking red.


Ban-Luca fortunately had a metal spear, so I didn’t have to deal with the droopy resin spear of some Arena Rex models. It was still difficult to line up.

Gaius Pallidus
Gaius Pallidus

Gaius has more earthy feel, and gets a skin tone to match. I’m not sure I’m happy with the vines on his leg, but the rest turned out well enough.

This gets me nearly to three playable factions (Zephyri, Gorgons, and Legio XIII). I should probably put some down in front of somebody and demand they play with me.

Arena Rex: Valen

I bought into Arena Rex at Adepticon last year, but don’t really know other people who play. They ran a discount for Black Friday, so I decided to grab another faction so I could make somebody play with me.

Plus, the models are too beautiful not to own.


Valen is part of the Legio XIII. I took him with my Zephyri at the tournament at this year’s Adepticon because Hagal was in the paint competition and I needed to fill the slot. He works best with other models supporting, but he ended up getting isolated pretty badly. I look forward to seeing him with more Legio XIII friends.