Fallout: Into the Wasteland Game One

Ever since the release of Into the Wasteland, the solo/coop focused expansion for Fallout Wasteland Warfare, I’ve wanted to give it a go. Finally I made the time today for the first game in the included mini campaign.

Initial deployment, including a grazing brahmin

The game is played on a small number of 1’x1′ squares, with a layout depending on the scenario. For the first game, it’s a row of three. The small game is easy to fit on the dining table, and is a perfect fit for the now discontinued Secret Weapon Tablescape tiles.

I played as the Survivors, with a heroic Sole Survivor, Dogmeat Guard, Sturges (for some random free weapon mods), and a Settler to round things out. The campaign starts with just the basic equipment from the AI card.

I ran into mole rats and radroaches. The radroaches skittered around behind me, until it suddenly leap into my back and got squashed. The mole rats were in the front, and jumped on the overextended Dogmeat. It took a few turns, but eventually Dogmeat bit his way through while the humans picked up the loot. There was also a brahmin grazing in the background that kept to itself.

The game took a while to set up, especially since it’s been many months since I’ve played Fallout. I didn’t print the natural behavior AI cards, which was probably a mistake. I really wish I could buy a card pack, either mass production or made to order like Wargame Vault. I may get a set printed.

For game two, I have a bunch of new equipment I managed to find on the battlefield. And maybe I’ll have more creatures to destroy.