Bolt Action: M8 Greyhound / M20 Scout Car

I’ve often felt a little light in anti-tank. While the M8 doesn’t exactly pack a huge punch, it can chew through transports easily enough. Plus, an extra machinegun or two is always helpful.

M8 Greyhound
M8 Greyhound

I figured I’d give myself a little breathing room by painting up both variants in the box, but didn’t bother magnetizing. Gravity will have to do the work. The MG comes with a ball joint mount, which is a pain. So I lopped it off and sunk in a bit of paperclip wire. With a magnet on the other side, it holds on well enough.

M20 Scout Car
M20 Scout Car

The whitewash weathering on this vehicle came out much more subtle than on the M10 tank destroyer and M3 halftrack. At first, I was disappointed. But on the plus side, it’s a little more dual use if I go ahead with another allied Bolt Action army down the line.

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