Category Archives: Terrain

2017 Hobby Year in Review

Once again it’s time for a reflection on a year of hobby.


I started the year with a deadline looming. A Team Yankee campaign was getting started. I had just acquired enough models to fill out an army and only had about five weeks to get it table ready. I also had Dropzone Commander and Arena Rex backburnered.

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Terrain: Water Tower

My personal terrain collection hasn’t seen as much use as I thought it would, but I still want to slowly grow it. I set aside a little money at Adepticon to find something that fits thematically but isn’t just another western building. This water tower from Laser Craft Workshop fit the bill.

Water Tower
Water Tower

The balcony on top is the perfect size for a 25 or 30mm based model to sit and snipe from.

The kit suffers from the same problems as all laser cut. Curves as non-right angles don’t quite work. I considered filling the gaps with some kind of putty, but got lazy. Otherwise it’s a pretty straightforward, nicely produced, and nicely prices product.

2016 Hobby Year in Review

Now in its third year, let’s take a look at my hobby work over the past year.


I started the hobby year working through the Malifaux Black Friday order and getting a few things ready for Adepticon. Then the queue got real. In 2015 I felt I had been a little too stingy at Adepticon. Let’s just say I didn’t have that problem this year.

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Terrain: Fence, Outhouse, and Signs

At Adepticon 2015, I was tempted by Tri-City Laser’s buildings, but waited until later to buy any. Somehow I forgot to add the fence set to my cart. So I remedied that this year.

The fence set comes in eight pieces – four straight sections and four corners. It’s got the same neat woodgrain texture which may be out of scale but comes out really nicely when drybrushing.


I also grabbed an outhouse, just for an extra piece of scatter.

I also grabbed these signs from Tectonic Crafts Studios. Sadly, I’m not totally in love with these pieces. Between the fibers of the MDF and the relatively low resolution of the laser cuts, it’s too hard to clean them up to any decent standard.