Don’t Look Back: Final Girls (Kat Grifter, Dr Grange, Rachel Newton, and Chisaki O

The Final Girls is an expansion for Don’t Look Back that adds four new heroes into the mix.

Chisaki O

We like to play it with random draws of heroes. When combined with the six in the core set, there’s a pretty good variety.

Dr Grange

Dr Grange would like to judge you.

Kat Grifter

Sadly, Kat does not get to slap people with her skateboard.

Rachel Newton

Be Kind, Rewind!

The Final Girls

Lunar: Segawa ATLV

The Segawa ATLV looks like the most fun to drive of the Lunar vehicles. But hold on tight if you’re on the back.

Segawa ATLV (top)

The kit came with torsos for all four factions (USA, USSR, China, freelancer). I decided to go with the freelancers, so I could plausibly run it with whatever team. Magnetizing wouldn’t really work, since I’ve got strong faction colors and there’s only one set of arms and legs.

Segawa ATLV (top)